Thursday, November 12, 2009

Students from PGEE master production of energy from renewable and alternative sources in Spain and Germany

To keep pace with modern technologies in PGEE “Kapitan Petko voyvoda”, for the second consecutive year projects related to renewable sources of electricity are being implemented.
The project "European collaboration in vocational education" was developed in line with the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Program. Two group practices were realized during the month of July 2009 for a period of three weeks. The first group - in the city of Jerez, Spain, with the host organization ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DE EUROPA LEONARDO DA VINCI, and the second group - in Berlin, Germany, with the host organization Opera Socialis gGmbH. The project implementation improved initial professional knowledge and skills of students at work in a real working environment.
After completion of the practice each student was issued a certificate of Europass Mobility for his stay abroad from the host organization, which will be added to the certificate of graduation of professional education.
The group of students in Spain from PGEE was accommodated in the town of Jerez de la Frontera, Andalucia, not far from the Atlantic Ocean.
They enjoyed a warm and cordial welcome by the host organization. The first day they were invited to the town hall and greeted personally by the mayor. This meeting was also reported in the local press with an extensive report about the already traditional cooperation between the Spanish host organization and our vocational school.
In the three weeks of training the students visited enterprises for wind power station production (Wind Park at Tarifa Area), and for production of photovoltaic systems (enterprise for production of biofuels and solar plant in ABENGOA).
In Germany, for the first year students from PGEE participated in training, but there they were presented extremely well. Their work program included visits to enterprises for the production of electricity from renewable sources - solar, wind and others, and also enterprises for production of photovoltaic and solar panels. They acquainted themselves with their application in industry, way of life and others areas.
Trainees and their hosts were accepted at the Embassy of Bulgaria in Berlin.
At a working meeting with the host organization, Mr. Zimmerman, their representative, proposed a long-term cooperation. It is an invitation addressed to prominent students of the Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in Kardzhali for an internship for six months of environmental energy companies in Germany. This opens new doors to students of electronics in the labor market in Europe.

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