Bulgarian - French project "Electricity without borders" - PGEE project partner
In the 2007/08 school year, the project "Electricity without borders" on the sectoral program Comenius, attendant activity eTwinning, was developed by students from the 12th grade speciality “Electrics of industry" in PGEE “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” and students from the Polytechnic liceum "Louis Armand", France. They exchanged knowledge about production, distribution and consumption of electricity in both of their countries. In 2008/09 at work on the project, there were included students from speciality “Computer technics and Technology”. They responded to questions from their French friends, related to consumption and saving electricity. Excellent knowledge of English, of students from the speciality “Computer technics and Technology,” helped for better communication between the young people of both countries. They drew up reports and presentations about the use of wind and solar power for environmental protection , and also a technical dictionary for renewable sources energy in French, English and Bulgarian. The materials were uploaded on the project Twin space and published on the web. French students and their teachers arrived in Kardzhali to familiarize themselves with our school and our students. They visited leading companies in the city, had fun with their Bulgarian friends, and participated in sports competitions. Lifelong friendships were created. eTwinning is an Internet platform for cooperation between schools from different European countries. It helps school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides support, tools and services to facilitate schools in the formation of short-term and long-lasting partnerships in all areas and subjects. eTwinning is an attendant activity to program "Lifelong Learning" in the EU.
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