Monday, October 17, 2011

PGEE"Kapitan Petko vpyvoda" with new international Comenius project

A new significant Comenius project, part of the Lifelong Learning Program  aimed at all levels of school education, started in PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda", Kardzhali, Bulgaria.
The project entitled "Learning to Live Healthy" is a part of the activity "International Partnerships" and is funded by Comenius at a value of 20,000 Euros for a period of two years. The partners of PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda" are schools from 8 countries: Austria, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey. The working language is German.
The project objective is to seek another opportunity for the school environment to be perceived by students as their desired territory. Through engaging in local activities and activities with their peers from other partner countries, they will reach the main products that are provided: The project Logo is Green Class 2012 and Comenius school.
The topics covering the project activities are provoking the students to think in interesting ways about how to combine work with pleasure: health and sports, health and healthy nutrition, health and culture, violence prevention, students’ rights and obligations in the state, health and nature, health and family habits, healthy activities in work and leisure, health and the Internet.
What are the benefits to the students of this project? They are significant because they provide many opportunities for youth to learn about their peers from different countries, their lifestyle and habits while communicating among themselves in German or English. Familiarization with the regional culture of the partners with healthy living through various areas (sports, nutrition, leisure, work, prevention, addictions) will enrich young people. In the implementation of activities purely human contacts will be created and the students will be able to spend their free time active, will learning about fair-play.
Teachers, who will work with students, will be able to achieve a new kind of experience, be familiar with specific methods and systems to solve problems with their students, and also increase the level of their language competence.
All this will benefit the school, making it attractive on the existing education market.
There are also benefits for the city and our region, because the expected tourist flow in May 2012, when all eight partner schools will visit Kardzhali and will be guests of PGEE, will make the best advertisement for our country, city and region for all of us.

First meeting - Lithuania, October 2011

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