It was realized with financial support from the Operational Program "Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union. It’s worth is 57 928, 58 EUR.
The aim was to enable the students from PGEE to obtain the quality of vocational training based on knowledge acquired in a real working environment.
The project was led by the Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” and developed with the support of the largest enterprises in Kardzhali District - GORUBSO-KURDZHALI JSC, FORMOPLAST JSC, PNEUMATICS-CERTA JSC, EL CONSTRUCTION Ltd., S & B Industrial MINERALS JSC.
Practical training of 60 students from PGEE was held in a real working environment and was implemented in the five enterprises.
Five teachers were trained to work with modern equipment in the partner enterprises. Curricula were created to introduce the pupils to the technology and equipment used in the partner-organizations.
The project has led to an improvement in initial professional skills of our students. Acquired practical skills in real working conditions will facilitate the integration and smooth transition from school to work.
A survey conducted among the students showed that for 78% of them the acquirement of practical experience is a major advantage in education under the project. For 68% of them the project was very useful. The ability to work in a team is a leading knowledge acquired during the practice for 52% of the students.
Cooperation between school and employers meet the requirements of the European union labor market for building an economy based on knowledge and strengthens established links. This can lead to a multiplication of project activities.
This document was prepared with financial support from the European Social Fund. Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” has the overall responsibility for the content of this document and under no circumstances can be regarded as the official position of the European Union or The Ministry of Education.
This document was prepared with financial support from the European Social Fund. Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” has the overall responsibility for the content of this document and under no circumstances can be regarded as the official position of the European Union or The Ministry of Education.
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