Thursday, December 2, 2010


Selection 2009

Mr. Markus Ulbricht, teaching assistant of German language, arrived in PGEE at the end of September 2010. Mr Ulbricht’s residence in Kardzhali is within the Sector Programme Comenius assistantship. The purpose of the programme is to motivate students to learn German and to improve their language skills. Mr. Ulbricht will also participate in extra curricular activities for the pupils of our vocational school.
In their interaction with the assistant, the teachers from PGEE gain valuable knowledge about the German education system and exchange ideas on different teaching methods and innovative techniques.
      Marcus comes from the beautiful town of Jena, a large university town in Thuringia, Germany. He is studying History and Latin at Leipzig University to become a qualified teacher. His position with PGEE Kardzhali, Bulgaria, is working within the Comenius Programme which is a good opportunity for him to get accustomed to a different type of system used for teacher training as well as to gain experience within the profession.

Monday, November 22, 2010

PGEE and leading enterprises in Kardzhali successfully concluded the second project under the Operational Programme "Human Resources"

Project "Collaboration in the education" was created to raise the level of vocational education in the Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market and business.
It was realized with financial support from the Operational Program "Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union. It’s worth is 57 928, 58 EUR.
The aim was to enable the students from PGEE to obtain the quality of vocational training based on knowledge acquired in a real working environment.
The project was led by the Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” and developed with the support of the largest enterprises in Kardzhali District - GORUBSO-KURDZHALI JSC, FORMOPLAST JSC, PNEUMATICS-CERTA JSC, EL CONSTRUCTION Ltd., S & B Industrial MINERALS JSC.
Practical training of 60 students from PGEE was held in a real working environment and was implemented in the five enterprises.
Five teachers were trained to work with modern equipment in the partner enterprises. Curricula were created to introduce the pupils to the technology and equipment used in the partner-organizations.
The project has led to an improvement in initial professional skills of our students. Acquired practical skills in real working conditions will facilitate the integration and smooth transition from school to work.
A survey conducted among the students showed that for 78% of them the acquirement of practical experience is a major advantage in education under the project. For 68% of them the project was very useful. The ability to work in a team is a leading knowledge acquired during the practice for 52% of the students.
   Cooperation between school and employers meet the requirements of the European union labor market for building an economy based on knowledge and strengthens established links. This can lead to a multiplication of project activities.
  This document was prepared with financial support from the European Social Fund. Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” has the overall responsibility for the content of this document and under no circumstances can be regarded as the official position of the European Union or The Ministry of Education.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Newspaper "Rodopi voice"

Saturday, September 25, 2010

2010 - Students from PGEE learned about the production of renewable and alternative resources in Spain for the third year

For the third year the students of the Electronics   held a practical training in Spain within the project "Spanish experience in modern energy technologies." Due to the excellent professional relationship established between the host ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DE EUROPA LEONARDO DA VINCI and PGEE this project is  long-term collaboration .
Renewable and alternative energy resources are an important factor in ecology and environmental protection. European countries focus their efforts on application, development and maintenance of environmental technologies for the generation of electricity. Spain is one of the leading countries in this area.
In order to keep pace with modern technologies and new aspects of energy our school is working on projects related to renewable sources of electricity. "Spanish experience in modern energy technologies" was a project aimed at young people aged 17-18 years, undergoing initial vocational training in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Electronics and Automation. The target group  consistted of 20 students from PGEE.
The project was developed in line with the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. Its purpose is to enhance the quality of vocational education and training to encourage the use of innovative techniques and to disseminate best practices of professional trainings in Europe through transnational cooperation and experience. As a result of the placement our students acquired new knowledge and skills in support of their professional and personal development, they increased their mobility and built citizenship in environmental issues in Europe. At the same time they enhanced their language training, practical knowledge and techniques and  gained useful experience from visiting the host country.
The practice was held in Jeres,Seville and Malaga - Andalucia, Spain, through the organization ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DE EUROPA LEONARDO DA VINCI. Students from the PGEE have been  also in Andalucia the previous two years . Installations for the production of alternative energy are mainly located in this area because of its geographical features.
The project was implemented in July 2010 for a period of three weeks. During this training-time the students visited a plant for the production of wind power, a wind farm, a plant for the generation of photovoltaic systems, and they were be introduced to the electricity generation from biofuels.

 Technical training - Spain 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

25th anniversary

Тhe holiday of PGEE was celebrated with a gala concert at the House of Culture on the 28th april. The governor of the District of Kardzhali, chief of the Rio MOMN, representative of the Economic Chamber, directors of schools in the Kardzhali region, former teachers in PGEE, students and parents respected us. We celebrated our 25th anniversary with songs, dances, birthday cake and fireworks.

We have received many congratulatory letters from our friends. We give heartfelt thanks to all of our partners who became part of our holiday with their kind words and congratulations. They were put on prominent display and all visitors could read about our fruitful cooperation. We hope that it will continue in the future.

Asociación Amigos de Europa Leonardo da Vinci , Spain, a partner in Program Leonardo da Vinci

Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Schule, Fritzlar, Germany - a partner in Program Leonardo da Vinci

Opera-Socialis, Berlin, Germany - a partner in Program Leonardo da Vinci

Ogre Vocational School, Ogre, Latvia -a partner in Programs Leonardo da Vinci and  eTwinning

Lycée des Métiers Louis Armand, Nogent sur Marne, France - a partner in Program eTwinning

Thanks again to everyone who celebrated with us!

25 years PGEE

For а lifetime 25 years are years in which to begin to enter into adulthood, but for one school they are more than enough. Years of hard work, the successes and the conquest as a school, brought up young people able to take their place in society. The holiday was the occasion for stocktaking. Looking back, our team decided to show projects, which took place in PGEE before 2008 and were the first steps in working on projects and they brought much needed experience in promoting our school as experienced in the most projects in the municipality of Kardjali in recent years.

"Optimal qualification - optimal employment”

PHARE project with partners: “Electricity distribution” PLC, a subsidiary of Kardzhali, “NPPA” AD, “Pneumatics-Certa ", Kardzhali, January - November 2003

In implementing the project 48 unemployed people were trained to acquire professional qualifications in nine specialities.

"Renovating Vocational Training Institutes"

PHARE 2003

In the project construction and repair of school buildings to the cost of 200 000 leva were carried out

"Improvement of Human Resources and Employment Promotion"

Phare 2004, 2007.

Supply of equipment for the computer rooms, training workshops and laboratories worth 400 000 leva

"Optimal training for industry, valid for Europe - IVOLVE"

European Commission

PGEE was a partner in this project, implemented in the period from November 2005 to September 2007.

The project was designed to restore and improve teaching methods. In its implementation the teaching methods in countries whose representatives were our partners were monitored. PGEE was attended by teachers from Spain, Britain, Denmark and Sweden.

Program "Modernization of the material base in the school”of MOMN

Module "Sport in School”

The project was intended to carry out major repairs of the school gym, replacement of doors, windows and restoration of facilities there.

State Agency for the Youth and Sports

"School - desired territory and well-being of young people from PGEE “Kapitan Petko voyvoda”” - 2007

PGEE is the leading organization in this project with a partner Municipality of Kardzhali. In fulfilling its place of greenery around the school to make lighting and sidewalk repairs to the school. benches with shelters in the school yard were mounted. Activities were implemented by the Youth Association "We're” using a partner-Municipality of Kardzhali. The project was based on the principle of voluntary participation.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Professional seminar of the eTwinning ambassadors for Bulgaria

On 7, 8 and 9.04.2010g. a Professional seminar of the eTwinning ambassadors for Bulgaria was held in Troyan, organized by the Human Resource Development Center. Antoaneta Sendova, one of the eight eTwinning ambassadors for Bulgaria participated in the workshop.Topics that were discussed refer to the educational environment that ensures eTwinning virtual space. Тhe planned management of online projects was discussed. The focus was on development of a new type of virtual communication and teaching an integrated curriculum. Another center of discussion was the work of eTwinning projects as a means and method to increase motivation in language learning. Daily difficulties encountered by Bulgarian ambassadors, multipliers and moderators were discussed. Ambassadors talked about the possibilities of overcoming obstacles. Again, particular attention was paid to the content, aims and opportunities for training of teachers through the program of the European Commission “Study visits”. Some new opportunities of the TwinSpace. (Working Area of the European electronic portal partnership between schools) were presented.
Mr. Stoyan Kyulev from the Human Resource Development Center, i.d Head “Support Activities”, National Coordinator of the eTwinning Programme attended the meeting.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The U.S. Ambassador Warlick visited PGEE





Sunday, February 28, 2010



During his visit to Kardjali on February 26th the U.S. Ambassador James Warlick visited PGEE Kapitan Petko Voyvoda. The long-awaited guest arrived at one thirty in our school and was welcomed by an old tradition, with bread and salt. The meeting was jointly organized by the Peace Corps because in PGEE, for the third year already, a Peace Corps volunteer, Jeff Warner, is working as a teacher of English language . In the lobby of the school pupils and teachers from the vocational Kardzhali School welcomed their prominent guest. To welcome him, the Director of PGEE greeted the Ambassador with a few words and presented the school, which he manages. In his speech he accented the 25-year history of the vocational high school and modern specialties in which students are training. "We're the school with the most international projects and we aim not only at knowledge, but to prepare our students for a world without borders." - proudly noted Mr. Kushlev, director of PGEE.
      "For the first time I am out of Sofia and decided to visit Kardzhali, and your school is the first Bulgarian school, which I will see. I expect to talk to as many students and teachers, as I can"- said the Ambassador in response to the welcome . He looked with pleasure at the video showing the work of the American volunteer in PGEE and eagerly went to the classroom, in which was held an open lesson with students in grade 10b in the specialty Computer techniques and technologies and with intensive English language learning. The boys and their teacher Jeff Warner had prepared two presentations about their school and home town, which they presented to the important guest in English. The free conversation of Ambassador Warlick with the students continued more than an hour. He was interested in anything that excites the boys of their age: how they spend their free time, do they like their school, what marks they receive, what they want to become. He commended them for choosing to study in this school, because computer technologies is the most modern and fastest growing field, and having the techniques and a command of English language will help them realize their ambitions not only in Bulgaria, but in the rest of the world if they so choose. The future computer specialists answered questions without embarrassment and shared with the Ambassador even what music they like and what are their favorite computer games, which earned a special praise from Mr. Warlick for a good knowledge of the language. He was particularly impressed by the dialogue with the student from grade 10b Georgi Hristov.
      When he left the classroom, the Ambassador was shown three small cars running on elecric energy made by the students, which were mentioned in the student's school presentation.  To everyone's surprise, the ambassador jumped into one of the cars and drove it down the hallway.
      The meeting continued in the teacher’s room where the Ambassador spoke with the teachers from PGEE. The director, Mr. Kushlev, presented the Head of the District Inspectorate of Education Mrs. Emilia Vladeva, who shared her pleasure to be with the colleagues in this important moment for them.
      In his brief address to the teachers, the Ambassador explained that he chose the city because of our multi-ethnic environment in which we live peacefully. He thanked them for the opportunity to talk with the students, thanked all teachers for their commitment and shared that he acknowledges what a difficult but important task it is to be a teacher. He was impressed by the work of the professionals in PGEE with the children in the school.