Saturday, September 25, 2010

2010 - Students from PGEE learned about the production of renewable and alternative resources in Spain for the third year

For the third year the students of the Electronics   held a practical training in Spain within the project "Spanish experience in modern energy technologies." Due to the excellent professional relationship established between the host ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DE EUROPA LEONARDO DA VINCI and PGEE this project is  long-term collaboration .
Renewable and alternative energy resources are an important factor in ecology and environmental protection. European countries focus their efforts on application, development and maintenance of environmental technologies for the generation of electricity. Spain is one of the leading countries in this area.
In order to keep pace with modern technologies and new aspects of energy our school is working on projects related to renewable sources of electricity. "Spanish experience in modern energy technologies" was a project aimed at young people aged 17-18 years, undergoing initial vocational training in the fields of Electrical Engineering and Electronics and Automation. The target group  consistted of 20 students from PGEE.
The project was developed in line with the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. Its purpose is to enhance the quality of vocational education and training to encourage the use of innovative techniques and to disseminate best practices of professional trainings in Europe through transnational cooperation and experience. As a result of the placement our students acquired new knowledge and skills in support of their professional and personal development, they increased their mobility and built citizenship in environmental issues in Europe. At the same time they enhanced their language training, practical knowledge and techniques and  gained useful experience from visiting the host country.
The practice was held in Jeres,Seville and Malaga - Andalucia, Spain, through the organization ASOCIACIÓN AMIGOS DE EUROPA LEONARDO DA VINCI. Students from the PGEE have been  also in Andalucia the previous two years . Installations for the production of alternative energy are mainly located in this area because of its geographical features.
The project was implemented in July 2010 for a period of three weeks. During this training-time the students visited a plant for the production of wind power, a wind farm, a plant for the generation of photovoltaic systems, and they were be introduced to the electricity generation from biofuels.

 Technical training - Spain 2010