Sunday, June 9, 2013

PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda" participated in an international conference in Antalya, Turkey


The Eighth Thematic Conference of the European Comenius network Ecomedia Europe held from 26 to 30 May 2013 in the city of Antalya, Turkey. The partner network was created by Socrates program in 2005 with financial support from the European Commission. Later it passed and develop to a network of Comenius. Strategic development of information and communication technologies in education, and promotion of training institutions to use ICT to support their work on European projects are the main subject matter of Ecomedia Europe.
Representatives of 18 countries participated in the work sessions of the Eighth Thematic Conference of the network.  Dipl.eng. Antoineta Sendova, senior teacher in PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda" was the only representative of Bulgaria.
PGEE has been an active member of the network since November 2011. Membership in the network is the result of the close cooperation between dipl. eng. Petko Kushlev, director of the vocational school, and Mr. Herbert Eile coordinator of Ecomedia Europe from Wolfsberg, Austria. This cooperation allows  sharing of educational resources and supporting development  of new educational models.
Great interest among the participants of the conference provoked “The international e-Learning Landscape” presented by Prof. Dr. Johann Gunther Danube University Krems, Austria. He spoke about development of e-learning in different countries and perspectives outlined for upgrading. Free educational software was presented during the conference and to the network partners was offered assistance to master the basic tools for e-learning.
Participation in the Eight Thematic Ecomedia Europe conference will lead to strengthening partnership relations between PGEE and the other partners for further cooperation in the successful implementation of common projects.
Participation in the conference has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
More information about the conference on the conference website:

Media coverage: