Tuesday, November 19, 2013

PGEE reporting a successful Leonardo project again

     "Contemporary energy technologies for better life" project has been drawn up with the objectives of the Lifelong Learning Program . The target group included 10 students from the PGEE of different ethnic backgrounds (Bulgarians and ethnic Turks) who were being initially trained in 11th grade in “Electrical Engineering and Energetics” and “Electronics, Automation, Communications and Computer technique”. The group selection was made after a preliminary cultural, pedagogical and language tuition of the students.
The professional realization of the young people in crises is big challenge. They need to be more competent, flexible and responsible. The Energy sector is sphere in which are generated a lot of job vacancies for power engineers – maintain the process of electricity production and for computer specialists–maintain the computer control platform of the production. That is the reason the target group includes students, who are being initially trained in the two directions. In accordance with 2009/28/ЕО directive for encouraging ecological energy production, Bulgaria has to reach in 2020 16% of energy using to be for renewable sources energy. Implementation of the contemporary energy technologies helps not only to safe the nature and climate but also helps to the economics. Implementation of ecological energy production calls for training cadres, which are skilled and motivated for developing in this direction.
    The concrete aims of the project were: raising the quality, attractiveness and social status of the vocational education; building on vocational training, through observation of modern technologies for renewable sources energy production and automated and robotic system for monitoring and control of the production in real work environment;stimulating students for exchange of knowledge, skills, experience,information and  receiving  a professional  experience;acquainting with the European quality standards; encouraging of mobility and creating their attitude,as European citizens;enriching linguistic skills for better intercultural dialogue;acquainting with the culture,way of life and the traditions of the host country;creating their attitude, as citizens,towards European issues connected with Global warming and the ecological use of natural resources; equal possibilities  for education of young people from  different ethnic backgrounds.
   Portugal is one of the most violently developing countries in the sector, that’s why a Portuguese partner was chosen. A work program, which was successfully realized from 07.07.2013 to 27.07.2013 in Viseu, Portugal,was drawn up collaboratively with the host partner Globaladamastor.
   The project has been oriented to satisfy the beneficiaries’ needs and its implementation allow for training of students in high technology companies and their acquaintance with European quality standards; for further additional vocational development; monitoring and control of the production in real work environment; sharing knowledge, experience and information, enriching the worldview and increasing linguistic culture; acquainting with the culture, way of life and the traditions of the host country; competitive in the labour market; creating their attitude, as citizens, towards European issues connected with global warming and the ecological use of natural resources;combating discrimination and giving equal possibilities  for education to young people from  different ethnic backgrounds.
All previously set objectives have been realized.
     As a result the students gained new professional knowledge of modern technologies for the production of renewable energy and automation systems for management and control of this industry in a real work environment, achieve professional and personal development, raised their motivation and perspective for the future realization, increased their mobility and acquired a sense of European citizenship, enriching their language skills  improving the intercultural dialogue , increased knowledge of the culture, customs and traditions of other European country; creating their attitude, as citizens, towards European problems.
    For recognition of knowledge and skills acquired during the preparation of practice and during the practice period, certificates for language and vocational training were issued from the host organization, for every beneficent, as well as the Europass mobility certificate for their stay abroad, which will be added to the school-leaving certificate of completion of professional education.

    Participation of the beneficiaries in the project was recognized as real production practice from compulsory curriculum in all specialties.

Created by Yuzkan Syuleyman 

                     This video reflected the visit of the Bulgarian group in Portugal

Sunday, June 9, 2013

PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda" participated in an international conference in Antalya, Turkey


The Eighth Thematic Conference of the European Comenius network Ecomedia Europe held from 26 to 30 May 2013 in the city of Antalya, Turkey. The partner network was created by Socrates program in 2005 with financial support from the European Commission. Later it passed and develop to a network of Comenius. Strategic development of information and communication technologies in education, and promotion of training institutions to use ICT to support their work on European projects are the main subject matter of Ecomedia Europe.
Representatives of 18 countries participated in the work sessions of the Eighth Thematic Conference of the network.  Dipl.eng. Antoineta Sendova, senior teacher in PGEE "Kaptain Petko Voyvoda" was the only representative of Bulgaria.
PGEE has been an active member of the network since November 2011. Membership in the network is the result of the close cooperation between dipl. eng. Petko Kushlev, director of the vocational school, and Mr. Herbert Eile coordinator of Ecomedia Europe from Wolfsberg, Austria. This cooperation allows  sharing of educational resources and supporting development  of new educational models.
Great interest among the participants of the conference provoked “The international e-Learning Landscape” presented by Prof. Dr. Johann Gunther Danube University Krems, Austria. He spoke about development of e-learning in different countries and perspectives outlined for upgrading. Free educational software was presented during the conference and to the network partners was offered assistance to master the basic tools for e-learning.
Participation in the Eight Thematic Ecomedia Europe conference will lead to strengthening partnership relations between PGEE and the other partners for further cooperation in the successful implementation of common projects.
Participation in the conference has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication  reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
More information about the conference on the conference website:

Media coverage:

Thursday, February 28, 2013

PGEE "K.P. voyvoda" - student trainning

This short movie reveals the striving of the vocational school for continuously development and use the opportunities offered by EU funds, supporting education, as a new prospects for their students.

         The movie was filmed by a TV crew, reflecting successful projects for student training.
Project "Collaboration in the education" was realized with financial support from the Operational Program "Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union. It’s worth is 57 928, 58 EUR.
      The aim was to enable the students from PGEE to obtain the quality of vocational training based on knowledge acquired in a real working environment.
       The project was led by the Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko voyvoda” and developed with the support of the largest enterprises in Kardzhali District - GORUBSO-KURDZHALI JSC, FORMOPLAST JSC, PNEUMATICS-CERTA JSC, EL CONSTRUCTION Ltd., S & B Industrial MINERALS JSC.

Friday, January 4, 2013

For the consecutive year at PGEE” Kapitan Petko voyvoda” started a project within the program "Leonardo da Vinci", named “Contemporary Energy Technologies for better life”. 10 students from 11th grade of the school are going to hold a 3-weekly, international internship in Portugal. In July 2013 they will work in modern enterprises using renewable energy sources – photovoltaic power plants, solar plants, plants for the production of electricity from biomass, biofuel and wind farms.
Beneficiaries will pass preparation for the culture and history of Portugal, for renewable sources energy and in English language and they will receive certificates for that.
The training in Portugal will end with an exam.  Europass certificate will be issued by the host organization to every beneficent for his mobility abroad, it will be added to the certificate of graduation of vocational education.
Training will be held in Viseu, Portugal from 07.07.2013 to 27.07.2013, with a host organization Globaladamastor.
The pre-selection of the group is over and the preparation for the culture and history of Portugal has been started.