Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Regional Festival Live long learning - Kardzhali, Bulgaria, October 2012

    Regional Festival Live Long Learning was held in Kardzhali on 27.10.2012.
The festival is part of the project NELLII – Network for Effective Lifelong Learning Initiatives and Information of the Ministry of Education and Science.
      For all ages - kids and parents, students and teachers, employers were organized: seminars, open doors, workshops, demonstration lessons in information and communication technologies, scientific demonstrations, lectures and workshops for career development, environmental activities, sports events, games, dance, exhibitions.
    Within the festival a seminar for Lifelong Learning was held. PGEE "Kapitan Petko Voyvoda" was represented by the eng.  Antoaneta Sendova with the report - "How to turn strategy into practice and learning into pleasure" and by IRA Mihaylova with the report “Let’s Learn to live healthy". Best practices and years of work experience in European projects were shared. The opportunities of programs Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius and eTwinning for supporting schools also were provided.
Program of the festival:

eng. Antoaneta Sendova

Ira Mihaylova