Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Vocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko Vojvoda” with a Quality certificate

TheVocational School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Kapitan Petko Vojvoda” has been awarded a Quality certificate for the project “Partnership in Education”, which was realized in 2008.
The deputy minister for Education, Youth and Science attended the conference for Adult Education in Bulgaria where she presented the award of Lifelong Learning Programme".
The event was held on the 10.12.2010 as a celebration of the 10th anniversary of sector program Grundtvig. The event was organized by the Human Resources Development Centre. In her speech Mrs. Evtimova outlined the main priorities in the field of adult education.
The conference was attended by Mrs. Helene Barry, representative of the Implementing Agency of Education, Audiovision and Culture - Brussels, who presented the policy development in Adult education in the context of strategy Europe 2020, and also the combined activities on the section programme called Grundtvig.
Mr. Stoyan Baev, a representative of the National Statistical Institute and consultant for Refernet network Bulgaria, presented the results of the national statistical survey on "Adult Education in Bulgaria".

The official ceremony of awarding certificates was also included during the function. Certificates were awarded for the quality of the completed projects of European section programmes Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci. Some schools and kindergartens, winners of the competition for the best website "My school online - a window to Europe”, were also awarded.
We acknowledge that our website is currently one of the top 10 in this competition.   
The project award of PGEE is for exchange of specialists in vocational training.
Ten teachers from PGEE participated in the project where they visited Fritzlar, Germany from 27.03.2009 to 02.04.2009. The host organization was "Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Schule Fritzlar.
The project has close and regular contacts with the partner organizations and are continuing to work together to form an ideal working relationship.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Days of program Comenius

The traditional Days of programs Comenius and  eTwinning in Bulgaria were held from December 6th to 8th . The workshop took place in Sofia under the form of a forum.The latest issues in education and the suitable solutions to these problems  were also discussed.
      During the event the assistants within the program Comenius  (4of them in Bulgaria, including our colleague Marcus Ulbricht) had the opportunity to share information about their assistantships at the host institutions. The projects and partnerships in Comenius 2009, awarded to the overall quality realization, were also presented.   European CNC-Network and the project of our friends from PTG “Dr. N. Vasiliadi”, Gabrovo - "Train for Europe ", were among them .